Welcome to our Adventurers room where we provide a comfortable, safe, and homely setting, which encourages and supports your child’s learning and development.
Age 3-4
The adventurers room provides a comfortable, safe, and homely setting, which encourages and supports your child’s learning and development. Encouraging each child to grow in independence, by celebrating their successes.
Using a range of techniques, we provide a learning environment that is playful, engaging and fun.
Our team help prepare each child by teaching them essential skills to prepare them for school and life. These skills include:
Writing; providing activities and exercises daily to help children build and develop muscles for writing.)
Reading; books are provided to enhance children’s interests, modelling language, recognising names through self-register, tray names and water bottle names.
We like to promote a language rich environment where your child can develop their communication skills. This is achieved through singing nursery songs, group work, telling stories, with puppets and role play.
Mathematics; counting, mathematical language, are encourage throughout their play) we also following a daily routine for children to develop and understanding of pattern and time.
Real Life Skills; supporting parents with the potty training, providing activities that will improve their listening skills and following instructions, cooperation, respecting boundaries, patience, teamwork, respect, relationships, understanding, kindness, sharing and resiliency. We also teach them how to sit nicely at group times, snack time and lunch time and how to tidy their plates and cups away. This is to teach them a positive sense of self and responsibility towards their surroundings/environment.
Our hardworking and creative team, work together to deliver a range of activities and experiences indoors and outdoors, ensuring no two days are the same. Providing your child with opportunities to explore their imagination, express their feelings and ideas, through play, exploration and discovery.
The team model and encourage children to adopt positive attitudes and behaviours, by building an inclusive environment that helps children understand cultural differences and treat others equally.
As well as supporting your child’s enthusiasm for learning, we encourage them to develop their physical health self-care by providing a range of physical activities, appropriate for their age. We also teach them the importance of washing hands and brushing their teeth.
We celebrate their achievements in our ‘wow board’ and tapestry that will help children develop their self-esteem, take pride in their abilities, recognise the good things that had happened to them. Which then they can talk more about their day with their parents and guardians.
We look forward to welcoming your children into our unique, fun and loving home away from home.